Thursday, December 16, 2010

Job add (M-E)

Job AD M-A
QGX is accepting application for “Enviromental manager”.
Duties and responsibilities:
• Protect environment from to be poisoning, to get dirty and to become weak around project’s site
• Organize activities for restore environment
• Staff are improved knowledge about prodect our environment
• Lead and Train staff that work in project’s site
Essential qualifications:
• Have a bachelor degree or above
• Degree qualifications in ecology, chemistry, environment,biology,etc
• Experience of worked during 2 years or more in environment and ecology
• Fluency in English language
• Ability to process study plans 

• Have driving license – would be considered an asset
All interested candidates should submit the following documents:
• Filled out Vacancy Application Form
• A copy of ID
• A copy of Diplomas and Certificates
To the following address before 5.30 pm on August 25th, 2010
Central tower, 16th floor
Sukhbaatar square-2, Sukhbaatar district-8, Ulaabaatar, Mongolia
Tel: 328281, 330313, 328914


     I’m Munkhbat Otgonbayar graduated school of Information Telecommunication and technology in 2012 by professional telecommunication engineer. I’m keep time and team works.
I’m problem solving skills and ability to work under pressure also I’m hardworking, expertise and positive attitude I have got two weaknesses. I’m stubborn. Also I like to be pressed many for works.
     I will be working your company. I think that my qualification is very well. My qualification will be most in demand in branch of telecommunications. Especially your company will be need this professional engineer.
      I will have been studying in China. I raise one’s qualification. I will have been study many new skills. I will be studying optic cable and china language.
I spend my free time play basketball, volleyball and chess. I have studying basketball during 3 years, Volleyball 5 years, chess 8 years. Li have got many medals.
I studied many skills. I studied to lead a team because I was leader of team. Also I have become keep time and hardworking .also I studied to work by team and to communicate.
I thought about it. I think f\perfect company is with pleasant around , right poling of working management always . new service in costumers. So that I think perfect company is your company and I decided to work in your company.
    Today, technology is developing quickly. I’m researching to made on new technology next if for me to convenient, I’m bring at company this is engineering responsibility.
Main of telecommunication professional is telecommunication with others. To lay yourself method is nicely communicate with others. People between communicate everyday.
I’m imagining nicely a future. I will have been working your company, many practice experience and knowledge.
I will be can a good engineer and employee.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Otgonbayar Munkhbat
Dorvoljin, Zavkhan
Seeking a position to utilize my skills and abilities in the Information Network and Telecommunication that offers Professional growth while being resourceful, innovative and flexible.
Name: Otgonbayar Munkhbat
Age & DOB: 22  years, 09-12-1988
Sex: female
Marital Status: Single
Nationality: Mongolian
Address: Dorvoljin Zavkhan
Contact Number: 95221783
Languages Known: English

2004 –1 high school in Dorvoljin.Zavkhan
2006 – 2 high school in fifth inUB
2012 - Information Communication Technology University
• Languages: C, HTML
• Platforms: Windows xp/98/95,2000,2007
• Concepts: networking, operating systems, MATLAB
These is: Boundary Extraction Methods for Segmentation, Representation and Description in Digital Image Processing. The research concentrated on showing the advantages of  the four-neighbor connectivity approach, which is used to trace the contour of objects, over the eight-neighbor connectivity approach in terms of   the chain code's efficiency and   the compression  ratio that can be achieved. Another boundary extraction  method using morphological operations was developed  in  the research. 

Reference letter


Otgonbayar Munkhbat
Recommendation letter
School of Telecommunication and Information technology,MUST
Apt 30-47, 5th khoroo, Bayanzurkh district, Post Box-7116, Post Office Ulaanbaatar- 56
Ulaanbaatar Mongolia,

To: "MIAT" company

I have known Otgonbayar for 3 years. During the years of our acquaintance, I have seen many abilities of his. He is able to study anything new and always tries to know anything new. I strongly recommend his for your offering position of work.

As Otgonbayar's teacher, have given his many  to asks to do and she always done it on time. He skilled in communication software and hardware. He also has experience in Switching System as engineer and solved many problems occurred on Switching System.

If you are looking  for  experienced candidate with ability to rise, Otgonbayar  is an excellent choice. She is self-educated, responsible, skilled in responsible and able to rise easily. Please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be glad to answer further question about Otgonbayar.

lecturer: Bayarmaa.D


Otgonbayar Munkhbat

Telecommunication engineer
To” MIAT” company
Dear Zorigtbaatar:

To work as telecommunication’s engineer  in your company. The reason that it write this letter is meet my requirements as your action company’s placement and public’s position. I finished school of Information and technology ago 3 years. My previous work in  Mobicom  was by engineer.
I graduated in Mongolian university of information telecommunication’s engineer with in bachelor 2012. I interesting for the profession and want to do so much. If  I will work in the company. I will become to work hard because I ‘m widening more than our public’s position and introducing new technology.
You will find me to be a strong analytical problem solver possessing the communication skills to actively manage and work in cooperation with teams and  individuals to achieve desired goals efficiently. I have demonstrated   success in doing so over the past several years and  intend  to continue this trend  long into the future .
I am confident that you will be pleased with the skills and experience portrayed in the accompanying resume. I will call your office in a few days inquire about the possibility of a meeting
Thank you  in advance for your  time and consideration .

Sincerely Yours,
 Otgonbayar, Munkhbat


1 My long-range goal is become best telecommunication engineer of Mongolia. So I must hardworking. Thus my second objective is perfect life. For example great family, nice work and wonderful home.
2 My short-range goal is do my task on time. Because I should raise my score. It is very important issue. May be my life will depend on it. So I must endeavor for now.
3 I hope I can make a contribution to your organization. Because I studied of telecommunication career for 4 years. And in this way I have many skills. So I believe necessary.
4 I like participation in activities which outside from class. This has been become more and more abilities for me. And I skilled in teamwork and able to rise easily.
5 I like fair everything. So I want to determine for justices. Head person must say openly to all success. I usually define my success for estimation of other people.
6 I think every people must put high goals. Because people live as yourself opinion. So my organization is become best telecommunication engineer of Mongolia. And I try to reach it.
7 My work is a very interesting and when I was student I don’t know it. After I study this school I understand it
8 Firstly I don’t know about this career. My sister decide to enter this school me. So I become must study by this direction. After it become interesting.
9 In my work important issue is become a very hardworking. I can it.
10 My career is telecommunication engineer. Almost we fix the broken cable. But women’s often do operator. In my opinion I want be header engineer. So I need I can any thing.
11 it is most important issue. I demand to interactive with all user. Because, I should know for request of subscribers.
12 Yes. I always try to view everything on practice. So I went to ATS many times. The engineer’s are very friendly and kind people. Whenever, they ready for help us. I saw optic fiber, mufti, and equipment at here. 


Reading method
1. Definite what kind of text I’m going to read. It’s possible to know about that from contents or beginning of the text.
2. Think how much I will know about this article/text and what I will get information from it.
3. Read directly from the beginning to the end. But, it is involved what about I will read and how long it is to read.
4. If I find the new words while reading, I try to definite them that are nouns, verbs, adjectives or adverbs.
5. Then I try to understand a basic meaning using around words.
6. If I can’t understand it, I use dictionary “English to English”.
7. If I don’t find word from below dictionary.
8. I ask from myself about it while reading and when finished to read. It helps me to pick up what I read.
9. During reading I try to understand the text. Especially, it helps to pass an exam successfully and it is an easy way to repeat it.
10. Each chapter, I try to make inferences. Due to make inferences, I find out the new things.
11. While reading, I try to make connections between every chapter. It is very important to get the ordinary knowledge.
12. During reading, I try to good notes to use the methods of making scheme and diagram. At last, it is very easy to understand.
13. From a paragraph and a chapter, I try to find the main idea. Other ideas are connected with the main idea.
14. I visualize what I am reading. It helps me to bring my mind back easily, moreover when read literature.
15. Finally, I recall what I already know about topic.

new verb

  1. Cellular – үүрэн, үүрэн систем   
  2. Absorption – шингээлт, уусгалт
  3. Tandem – дахин дамжуулах станц
  4. Compare – харьцуулах, зэрэгцүүлж үзэх, зүйрлэх, адилтгах, жиших
  5. Advance – дээд түвшин
  6. Failure – уналт, доройтол, нурах, бүтэлгүй болох
  7. Industry – аж үйлдвэр, үйлдвэр үйлчилгээний үйл ажиллагаа
  8. Delay – хоцрох, хожигдох, хожидуулах
  9. Geosynchronous – газар, газрын
  10. Attract – татах, татагдах
  11. Verge – ирмэг зах, ойртох шахах
  12. Enough – хангалттай, хүрэлцэхүйц
  13. Private – хувийн, амьны
  14. Investor – хөрөнгө оруулагч
  15. Acquire – олж авах, эзэмших,-тай болох
  16. Tolerable –болмоор, болохуйц, овоо
  17. Structure – бүтэц, байгуулалт, тонтолцоо, зохион байгуулах
  18. Alive – үргэлжилсээр, хэвээрээ, амьд
  19. Venture – зориглох, эрсдэлтэй оролдлого, турших
  20. Merger – нийлэх, нэглдэх
  21. Consider – болох, авч үзэх, гэж үзэх, харгалзах
  22. Raise – өргөх, дээш нь болгох, өндөр
  23. Asset – давуу тал
  24. Launch –өрнүүлэх, хөөргөх, эхлүүлэх
  25. Visible – харагдах, илт мэдэгдэхүйц
  26. Service – алба ажил, үйлчилгээ, ажиллагаа, засварлах, үйлчилгээ хийх
  27. Feasible – хийж болохуйц, болмоор
  28. Abandoned – хаягдмал, сул чөлөөтэй, орхигдмол, гээгдсэн
  29. Favor – тал өгөх, ач холбогдол
  30. Altitude – өндөрт, өндөр газарт
  31. Appear – үзэгдэх, харагдах
  32. Demonstrate – нотлох, илэрхийлэх,
  33. Repeater – давтагч, радио станц
  34. Round trip – тойрог зам
  35. Latency – нууц үе
  36. Plenty – их, олон, нилээд, чамгүй их
  37. Capture – булаан эзлэх, барих, барьж аьах
  38. Truck – зөөх, тээвэрлэх, бараа солилцох
  39. Track – чиглэх, мөр жим, үлдэгдэл
  40. Transit – дайрч өнгөрөх, өнцөг хэмжүүр, тээвэр зөөвөр
  41. Even – тэгш, жигд, тэгшитгэх
  42. Rooftop – хавтгай дээвэр
  43. Readily – амар хялбар
  44. Direct – шууд, шулуун, зам заах, удирдах, хянах, чиглүүлчэх
  45. Aperture – нарийхан завсар
  46. Enables – хийх боломж, бололцоо, эрх олгох
  47. Distributed – тараах, хувиарлах, цацах, тархах
  48. Either – нэг нь, аль нь ч, аль аль нь
  49. Both – аль аль нь, хоюулаа
  50. Relative – харьцангуй, холбоотой, харилцан уялдаатай
  51. Position – байрлал
  52. Same – ижил, төстэй, яг адил, чацуу
  53. Speed – хурд, хурдасгах, хурд нэмэх, нэмэх өсгөх
  54. Spin – ярих, хүүрнэх, өгүүлэх
  55. Vehicle – зөөгч, хальс, дамжуулах 
  56. Relation – холбоо харилцаа, харьцаа
  57. Sub cover – бүрээс, халхавч, хаалт
  58. Polar – тэс өөр, туйлийн
  59. Regions – муж, хязгаар, бүс нутаг
  60. Beam – туяа гэрэл, цацраг
  61. Wide – хол, өргөн уудам
  62. Illuminate – гэрэлтүүлэх
  63. Expense – зарлага, үнэ цэнэ, үрлэг зардал
  64. Provider – тэжээгч, хангагч
  65. Coverage – үйл ажиллагааны хүрээ
  66. Categories – зэрэг, зэрэглэл
  67. Carry – барьж авах, зөөх тээвэрлэх, тараах дамжуулах
  68. Span – агшин хором, завсарлага, нийт өргөн
  69. Growing – өсөх, нэмэгдэх, ургах, хөгжиж дэвших
  70. Overcome – ялах дийлэх, давах, эзэмдэх
  71. Path – зам харгуй
  72. Loss – гарз, гай, хохирол, хожигдол, алдагдал
  73. Capacity – багтаамж, эзэлхүүн, эрх, хүчин чадал
  74. Desirable – хүсмээр, хүсүүстэй
  75. Least – бага хэмжээ, зохистой, өчүүхэн бага юм
  76. Susceptible – мэдрэмж сайтай, эмзэг мэдрэмтгий
  77. Common – ердийн, энгийн, нийтийн өмч
  78. Terrestrial – дэлхийн, газрын, газар дээрх 
  79. Spacing – сансар огторгуйн эзэлхүүн, хэмжээ, агшин мөч
  80. Prevent – сануулах, сэрэмжлүүлэх, зайлуулах, сэргийлэх 
  81. Requiring – шаардах, тушаах, хэрэг болгох, гачигдах
  82. Congested – хүн ихтэй, ачаалал ихтэй, бөөгнөрсөн
  83. Exclusive – хязгаартай, нэг хүн буюу цөөн тооны хүн хэрэглэх
  84. Band – радио долгион, зурвас,
  85. Primary – анхдагч
  86. Attenuation – багасгах, сулруулах,
  87. Reliability – найвартай байх,
  88. Identical – адил, ижил
  89. Becoming – таарсан, тохирсон, зохистой
  90. Mean – утга илэрхийлэх
  91. Probability – магадлал, боломж бололцоо
  92. Fading – унтралт, сулруулалт, дууны түвшин тохируулах
  93. Offset – баланслах, нөхөн төлөх, хохиролгүй болгох
  94. Available – хэрэгтэй, хүчинтэй, чөлөөтэй
  95. Further – илүү, нэмэлт, хол, цааш, мөн бас
  96. Circuit – цахилгаан гүйдэл, орчил эргэлт, тойрох хөдөлгөөн
  97. Distance – холын зай, хол, холдуулах, хөндийрүүлэх
  98. Impairment – муутгах, сүйрүүлэх, муутгагч
  99. Accumulate – хураах, цуглуулах, хураагдах, нэмэгдэх 

Job add (E-M)

Job add (E-M)
Vacancy announcement
Administration and Executive Department of Oyu Tolgoi LLC, an international mining company conducting extensive exploration and project development in Mongolia, is accepting applications for two (2) “Translator” positions based in UB office.
Applications must demonstrate excellent work ethics and possess the following qualification:
Essential Qualification:
·         Fluency in English and Mongolian Languages. BA degree in English and linguistics / good language knowledge and a natural sense of both source and target languages are essential in effectively doing this job.
·         Excellent writhing and grammatical skills. At least 2 years experience of  written and verbal translations from English to Mongolian and Mongolian to English.
·         Proficiency in using Microsoft Office applications, including knowledge of translations and software     
Desirable Job Requirement:
·         Ability to handle intense workload and meet deadlines
·         Ability to work well with people from different backgrounds
·         Certificate of English proficiency – TOFEL above 550 is preferable 
Duties and responsibilities:
·         Reading original material and rewriting it in the required language;
·         Using specialist dictionaries, thesauruses and reference books to find the closest equivalent for terminology and words used;
·         Proofreading and editing final translated versions;
·         Providing clients with a grammatical, well-expressed final version of the translated text, usually as a word- processed document;
·         Using the internet and email as research tools throughout the translation process;
·         Following ethical codes that the confidentiality of information;
All interested candidates should submit the following document:
-          Filled out “OT”LLC Vacancy Application Form
-          CV and Cover Letter (in English)
-          A copy of all Diplomas and Certificates (Notarized)
-          A copy of ID and Driving License (Notarized)
-          A copy of Social and  Health Insurance Books (Notarized)
-          Reference or recommendation Letters
-          Criminal record letter from police Department
-          Reference letter  for permanent place of domicile from governor
To the following address BEFORE 17:30 on July 15, 2010
Seoul Business Center, 6th Floor
Bayanzukh District, Zaluuchuud Avenue-26                     Tell: 976-11-331880
Ulaanbaatar – 13381,MONGOLIA                                    Fax: 976-11-331885

Full Position Description and Vacancy Application Form are available at the Oyu Tolgoi LLC office and the company web site:
All successful candidates must be madically cleared and  must not have criminal recods.
Only short listed candidates will be contacted.

Оюу Толгой
Монгол улсад хайгуул судалгаа хийж, төсөл хэрэгжүүлэх өргөн цар хүрээтэй үйл ажиллагаа явуулж байгаа “Оюу Толгой ” ХХК-ний захиргааны хэлтсийн Улаанбаатар хот дахь оффист 2 орчуулагчийг ажилд хүлээн авна.
Өргөдөл гаргагч нь ажилч ёс суртхуунтай, мөн доорх ур чадваруудтай байна.
Тавигдах үндсэн шаардлага:
·         Монгол болон англи хэлээр чөлөөтэй ярвдаг. Энэ ажилд өгсөн үүрэг даалгаврыг хийдэг, хэлний мэдлэгэ сайтай, хэл шинжлэл болон хэлний  түвшин ВА үнэлгээтэй байх
·         Хэл зүйн болон бичгийн ур чадвар сайн. Англи хэлнээс Монгол, Монгол хэлнээс англи хэлрүү бичгийн болон аман (үгэн) орчуулгыг хоёроос дээш жил ажилласан туршлагатай байх
·         Микрософт оффисийн хэрэглээний программ ашигладаг, үүнд компьютрын хангамж ба хэрэглээний программуудэд чиглэсэн орчуулгын өндөр мэдлгэтэй байх

   Бусад шаардлагууд:
·         Ажлын нормыг товлосон цаг хугацаанд гүйцэтгэдэх дадал чадвартай байх
·         Янз янзын боловсролтой хүмүүстэй ажиллах чадвартай байх
·         Англи хэлний TOPEL –ийн 550-с дээш оноотой байх нь хамгийн зохимжой
Гүйцэтгэх үүрэгүүд:
·         Эх материалаас уншаад засаж бичих
·         Мэргэжлийн толь ашигладаг, тайлбар толь  болон ашигласан номын жагшаалттай тэнцэхүйц нэр томёо үгнүүдийг хэрэглэсэн байх
·         Нягталж унших мөн орчуулгын төгсгөлд хувийн бодлоо харуулах
·         Зөв бичгийн дүрмийн нөхцөлд захиалагч орчуулсан текстээ яаралтай төгсгөлийн орчуулуулбал, ихэнхдээ үггэн боловсруулалт хийж баталгаажуулах
·         Шилжилтийн үйл явцийг энтэрнэт ба и-мэйлийн бүх талаарх хэрэглүүрүүдийг хэрэглэдэг байх
·         Дараах ёс суртхууны мэдээллийг нууцлан хамгаална    
Сонирхож байгаа хүмүүс дараах бичиг баримтыг бүрдүүлж өгнө үү:
·         “Оюу Толгой ”  ХХК –ний анкетийг бөглөх
·          Товч намтар (англи хэлээр)
·         Диплом, сертификатын  нотариар баталгаажуулсан хуулбар 
·         Иргэний үнэмлэх, жолооны үнэмлэхний нотариар баталгаажуулсан хуулбар 
·         ЭМД-ийн дэвтрийн нотариар баталгаажуулсан хуулбар,нийгмийн даатгалын дэвтрийн нотариар баталгаажуулсан хуулбар
·         Батлан даагчийн болон сайшааллын захидал
·         Цаглаагийн байгууллагын тодорхойлолт
·         Оршин суугаа газрын тодорхойлолт



 The telecommunications industry experienced some spectacular failures around the end of the twentieth century and the start of the twenty-first, but few could compare to satellite companies Iridium and Teledesic.

Its original plans called for a network of 840 satellites. This dropped to 288 satellites, then in February 2002 Teledesic announced that it was planning 20 medium Earth orbit (MEO) satellites.

Satellite communications had its beginning in 1962 with AT&T’s launch of its Telstar 1. Orbiting the Earth in about 2 h, Telstar was visible from the Earth station for less than half an hour, as the antennas followed its track across the sky.

 From 1970, it is started satellite station in Mongolia.

 Another application, direct broadcast television, was a long time in coming, but now high-quality TV can be received, even in remote locations. Very small aperture terminal (VSAT) enables users to mount small antennas on rooftops to run a multitude of applications such as point-of-sale, which need low bandwidth facilities distributed over a wide range.

 MEO and LEO satellites have the advantage of low delay, but at the expense of needing more satellites and tracking antennas to provide the same coverage. Satellites fall into three general categories—domestic, regional, and international.
The 4- and 6-GHzC-band frequencies are the most desirable from a transmission standpoint because they are the least susceptible to rain absorption.

The Ku-band of frequencies has come into more general use as the C-band becomes congested.
Ka-band satellites are becoming more attractive as the lower frequencies become congested.
  Satellites communications development of intense, more than giving the probabilities in people life.